Seminar – Chemosensory learning and flavour: Perception, preference and intake – Dr. John Prescott

Together with the McKnight Brain Institute, the Center for Smell and Taste is pleased to present the first Chemical Senses Seminar for 2011-2012, entitled:

Chemosensory learning and flavour: Perception, preference and intake


Dr. John Prescott
School of Psychology
The University of Newcastle
Ourimbah, Australia

Thursday, September 15, 2011
12:00 Noon

DeWeese Auditorium, Rm LG-101
McKnight Brain Institute

Integration of multiple sources of sensory information reduces ambiguity and aids detection of biologically important signals. Integration of odors, tastes and tactile signals into flavors similarly leads to recognition of foods. Flavor recognition is dependent on experience of particular odor/taste combinations, and such learned associations underlie the flavor perception and preference that influences food intake. Top-down cognitive influences on these associations have implications for how we measure flavor properties.

For further information, or to arrange to meet with Dr. Prescott, please contact the Center for Smell and Taste at 294-5360.