Applications open: Lewy Body Dementia pilot studies funding

Mangurian Fixel McKnight Collaboration for Pilot Studies in Lewy Body Dementia

2021 Pilot Grant Cycle

Applications due: 11/16/2020

Funding period: 1/1/2021-12/31/2021



There are a number of research projects that have transformative potential to advance discoveries in Lewy body dementia. These projects are competitive for extramural funding only if they have the resources to develop them further, but funds for pilot projects is lacking. The Harry T. Mangurian, Jr. Foundation, Fixel Institute for Neurological Diseases, and the McKnight Brain Institute are committed to supporting research in neurodegenerative diseases. This University of Florida funding mechanism plans to support two pilot research proposals, one basic/translational project and one clinical project. Research proposals can span the spectrum of basic, translational, clinical and health care outcomes and policy research, with particular attention given to novel approaches. Projects should have a 1-year timeline. Priority will be given to projects with the highest chances of leading to subsequent external peer reviewed funding. Identification of an external sponsor or funding mechanism for which the pilot data will be used will be considered a strength during proposal evaluation.


Criteria for review:

The following will be considered in evaluating the merit of a proposal:

  • Clearly defined link to Lewy body dementia, with expectation that project will provide insights into possible causes, diagnoses, treatment of, or care for Lewy body dementia
  • Likelihood that the pilot work will lead to subsequent extramural peer reviewed funding
  • Quality and novelty
  • Scientific merit
  • Background and experience of the investigator(s) and mentor(s) (if appropriate)
  • Adequacy of the resources and environment
  • Appropriateness of the budget for the proposed work
  • Feasibility of the project for the 1-year time frame.

The investigator is responsible for obtaining appropriate Institutional Review Board or Animal Care and Use Committee approval for the proposal.



Applicants must either be full-time faculty of the University of Florida or post-graduate level trainees (e.g. fellows, post-doctoral researchers) with University of Florida faculty mentors.


Budget limitations:

Total budgets of $25,000-$75,000 will be considered. There are no indirect costs associated with these pilot grants.

Allowable costs include, but are not limited to:

  • Faculty salaries
  • Funding for graduate students, post-docs, or fellows
  • Materials and supplies necessary for acquisition of preliminary data
  • Small equipment that is critical to project execution
  • Funds for publication of a single pilot data article

The following costs are not allowable:

  • Tuition
  • Major equipment
  • Computer expenses
  • Travel to present data at meetings


Application process: Compile all materials into a single PDF in the order described and send application materials via email to Melissa Armstrong ( by 11/16/2020.

  • Brief proposal: The proposal should include an NIH-style specific aims page and an abbreviated research strategy with significance, innovation, and approach (maximum 2 pages; bibliography and references cited are not included in the page limit but only key references should be included)
  • Collaborator details: List names of investigators/co-investigators +/- mentors (if appropriate) and explain the roles and qualifications of the team (explanation: 200 word maximum)
  • Milestones and timelines: Provide key milestones for the project and expected timing of those milestones, including submission for subsequent funding (150 word maximum)
  • Budget: Provide the total amount requested and a brief budget justification (1/2 page maximum)


Reporting requirements: Funded investigators will provide a project report (1) at the end of the funding year and (2) one year after project completion. The first project report will identify project status, milestones met, results, and any project elements not yet completed. The second project report will detail subsequent funding applications, research presentations, and peer-reviewed publications. Should grant funding or publications with the supported data be obtained after the second progress report, investigators will report those achievements to the grant coordinating team outside of the annual report mechanism.