Michael Jaffee, M.D., served as guest editor for the December edition of the journal Continuum: Lifelong Learning in Neurology. Jaffee is director of UF’s Brain Injury, Rehabilitation and Neuroresilience Center (BRAIN Center) and vice chair of the department of neurology.
The issue is focused on behavioral neurology and psychiatry and includes several review articles authored or co-authored by UF faculty members in the departments of psychiatry, neurology and clinical and health psychology.
“Behavioral and Cognitive Aspects of Concussion”
Russell Bauer, Ph.D. and Michael Jaffee, M.D.
Stephen Nadeau, M.D.
Uma Suryadevara, M.D., Josepha Cheong, M.D. and Shea Datta, M.D. (former UF fellow)
“Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders”
Carol Mathews, M.D.
“Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Anxiety-Related Conditions”
John Williamson, Ph.D. and Michael Jaffee, M.D.
Uma Suryadevara, M.D. and Parunyou Julayanont, M.D. (former UF fellow)
Kenneth Heilman, M.D.