The Evelyn F. and William L. McKnight Brain Institute invites proposal from UF and UF Scripps scientists for support of translational and basic research projects on facial pain related to trigeminal neuralgia and other nerve-related causes of facial pain inclusive of headaches and multiple sclerosis. We anticipate awarding up to a total of $450,000 for applications received in response to this RFA. Proposals may include pilot grant studies of up to $50,000, collaborative grant funding of up to $250,000, and recruitment funding up to $450,000. Pilot grants are open to post-doctoral fellows and all faculty. Collaborative grant funding is expected to be working towards a P01 or equivalent funding and indicate the anticipated date of submission to NIH. Funding may also be requested for recruiting faculty with expertise in this area. Such requests should be submitted directly by department chairs and may include other letters from relevant center/institute directors that plan to support the new faculty member to develop research programs in this research area. Proposals seeking to fund clinical care will not be considered.
Pilot Awards should include the following sections in order and compiled into a single PDF:
1) A project narrative
2) A single specific aims page
3) Statement of significance, innovation and expected outcomes (no more than 1 page)
4) PI Biosketch
5) Budget (with Department office)
6) For post-docs and non-tenure track faculty only, a 1 page letter of recommendation should be submitted by the supervising PI or Chair.
Collaborative Awards should include the following sections in order & compiled into a single PDF:
1) A project narrative
2) A single specific aims page for the overall project or optional aims page for each individual project
3) Statement of significance, innovation and expected outcomes (no more than 1 page)
4) Biosketch for each PI
5) Budget (with Department office)
Requests for Recruitment funding should include the following sections in order & compiled into a single PDF:
1) Description of the position with an indication if this position is currently advertised
2) Budget and timeline of recruitment
3) If there is a candidate under consideration, a copy of the candidate’s CV
4) The submitting Departmental Chair is encouraged to solicit supporting letters from other Center or Institute Directors who support the recruitment.
Applications should be ordered as indicated in the instructions into single PDF and submitted by March 27th, 2023, with an expected award notification date of April 10, 2023. We anticipate funding will be distributed July 1, 2023, if not sooner. For project narrative, specific aims, and biosketch, follow NIH guidelines. Email enquiries to Applications should be submitted to with the subject set to “Facial Pain”.