Technology & Shared Resources Resources for your research

Learn about the exciting scientific resources specially designed to support you and your research in the MBI and across campus.

Microscopy Resources

The Neuro Microscope Co-op enables MBI faculty members to pool their resources and share their existing microscopes with the MBI community.


Molecular Core

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researcher working

Behavior and Integrated Neural Systems

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hand holding a small lazer in a research behavior box.

Computing Resources

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doctor khanna analyzing data

Gaining Access to MBI Core Resources

This will lead to a page that explains who to connect and where to go to utilize the cores displayed on this webpage. Users must be have correct IDC allocations and be MBI members.

Doctor Khoshbouei showing a finding to a trainee

MBI-UF Equipment Resources

Shared equipment for UF investigators includes darkrooms, X-ray developers, evaporators, autoclaves, perfusion rooms, cold rooms, ice machines, centrifuges, and Bio-Rad imaging systems.

a researcher handles a slide with a brain on it