Partners of the MBI collaborating across campus

Thanks to our collaborations with institutes, centers, departments and programs across the UF campus and beyond, and the support of our philanthropic partners, the MBI is one of the nation's top neuroscience and neuromedicine research institutes.

Philanthropic Partners

The level of innovation in neuroscience and neuromedicine research happening at the MBI and our partner centers and institutes wouldn’t be possible without the support of our philanthropic partners and we are incredibly thankful for their dedication to our causes.


McKnight Brain Research Foundation

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Evelyn F. McKnight Brain Research Foundation

In 1999, a generous gift from the McKnight Brain Research Foundation led to a new name for the University of Florida's Brain Institute — the Evelyn F. & William L. McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida. Evelyn F. McKnight and her husband William M. McKnight were interested in the effects of aging on memory, which inspired the establishment of the foundation as a legacy of support for research of the brain to alleviate the specific influence of age-related memory loss.

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Join the MBI in our fight to enhance lives through a deeper understanding of brain aging, disease, dysfunction, and injury. Your philanthropy fuels innovation in neuroscience research and education in our effort to promote brain health across the lifespan.