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December 16, 2002 – December 24, 2002
- Ge Y, Ohta T, Driscoll DJ, Nicholls RD, Kalra SP. Anorexigenic melanocortin signaling in the hypothalamus is augmented in association with failure-to-thrive in a transgenic mouse model for Prader-Willi syndrome. BRAIN RES, 957 (1): 42-45 December 6, 2002
- Barker WW, Luis CA, Kashuba A, Luis M, Harwood DG, Loewenstein D, Waters C, Jimison P, Shepherd E, Sevush S, Graff-Radford N, Newland D, Todd M, Miller B, Gold M, Heilman K, Doty L, Goodman I, Robinson B, Pearl G, Dickson D, Duara R. Relative frequencies of Alzheimer disease, Lewy body, vascular and frontotemporal dementia, and hippocampal sclerosis in the state of Florida Brain Bank. ALZ DIS ASSOC DISORDER, 16 (4): 203-212 October-December 2002
- Heaton MB, Paiva M, Mayer J, Miller R. Ethanol-mediated generation of reactive oxygen species in developing rat cerebellum. NEUROSCI LETT, 334 (2): 83-86 December 13, 2002
- Lee JM, Zipfel GJ, Park KH, He YY, Hsu CY, Choi DW. Zinc translocation accelerates infarction after mild transient focal ischemia. NEUROSCIENCE, 115 (3): 871-878 2002
- Li G, Klein RL, Matheny M, King MA, Meyer EM, Scarpace PJ. Induction of uncoupling protein 1 by central interleukin-6 gene delivery is dependent on sympathetic innervation of brown adipose tissue and underlies one mechanism of body weight reduction in rats. NEUROSCIENCE, 115 (3): 879-889 2002
- VanVleet TM, Heldt SA, Guerrettaz KR, Corwin JV, Reep RL. Unilateral destruction of the dorsocentral striatum in rats produces neglect but not extinction to bilateral simultaneous stimulation. BEHAV BRAIN RES, 136 (2): 375-387 November 15, 2002
- Krekoski CA, Neubauer D, Graham JB, Muir D. Metalloproteinase-dependent predegeneration in vitro enhances axonal regeneration within acellular peripheral nerve grafts. J NEUROSCI, 22 (23): 10408-10415 December 1, 2002
- Beck RD Jr, King MA, Huang Z, Petitto JM. Alterations in septohippocampal cholinergic neurons resulting from interleukin-2 gene knockout. BRAIN RES, 955 (1-2): 16-23 November 15, 2002
December 9, 2002 – December 16, 2002
- Chatziioannou, AF. Molecular imaging of small animals with dedicated PET tomographs. EUR J NUCL MED, 29 (1): 98-114 JAN 2002
- Townsend, DW; Cherry, SR. Combining anatomy and function: the path to true image fusion. EUROPEAN RADIOL, 11 (10): 1968-1974 2001
- Farahani K, Slates R, Shao Y, Silverman R, Cherry S. Contemporaneous positron emission tomography and MR imaging at 1.5 T. JMRI-J MAGN RESON IMAGING, 9 (3): 497-500 March 1999
- Levin, CS; Hoffman, EJ. Calculation of positron range and its effect on the fundamental limit of positron emission tomography system spatial resolution (vol 44, pg 781, 1999). PHYS MED BIOL, 45 (2): 559-559 February 2000
November 15, 2002 – December 9, 2002
- Yachnis AT.. Intraoperative consultation for nervouse system lesions. SEMIN DIAGN PATHOL, 19 (4): 192-206 November 2002
- Riley JL, Gilbert GH, Heft MW. Orofacial pain-related communication patterns: sex and residential setting differences among community-dwelling adults. PAIN, 99 (3): 415-422 October 2002
- Vase, L; Riley, JL; Price, DD A comparison of placebo effects in clinical analgesic trials versus studies of placebo analgesia PAIN, 99 (3): 443-452 October 2002
- Pellock, JM; Wilder, BJ; Deaton, R, et al. Acute pancreatitis coincident with valproate use: A critical review. EPILEPSIA, 43 (11): 1421-1424 November 2002
- Stevens SM Jr, Kem WR, Prokai L. Investigation of cytolysin variants by peptide mapping: enhanced protein characterization using complementary ionization and mass spectrometric techniques. RAPID COMMUN MASS SPECTROM, 16 (22): 2094-2101 2002
- Purinton SC, Wood CE. Oestrogen augments the fetal ovine hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in response to hypotension J PHYSIOL-LONDON, 544 (3): 919-929 November 1, 2002
- Lou, HJ; Tan, WH Femtoliter microarray wells for ultrasensitive DNA/mRNA detection INSTRUM SCI TECHNOL, 30 (4): 465-476 2002
- Lagaud G, Karicheti V, Knot HJ, Christ GJ, Laher I. Inhibitors of gap junctions attenuate myogenic tone in cerebral arteries AMER J PHYSIOL-HEART CIRC PHY, 283 (6): H2177-H2186 December 2002
- Jarajapu YP, Knot HJ. Role of phospholipase C in development of myogenic tone in rat posterior cerebral arteries AMER J PHYSIOL-HEART CIRC PHY, 283 (6): H2234-H2238 December 2002
- Petruska JC, Napaporn J, Johnson RD, Cooper BY. Chemical responsiveness and histochemical phenotype of electrophysiologically classified cells of the adult rat dorsal root ganglion NEUROSCIENCE, 115 (1): 15-30 2002
- Jiang, J; Gu, JG Expression of adenosine triphosphate P2X3 receptors in rat molar pulp and trigeminal ganglia ORAL SURG ORAL MED ORAL PATHO, 94 (5): 622-626 November 2002
- Anderson, JMM; Srinivasan, R; Mair, BA, Votaw, J. Hidden Markov model based attenuation correction for positron emission tomography IEEE TRANS NUCL SCI, 49 (5): 2103-2111 Part 1 October 2002
- Gilland, DR; Mair, BA; Bowsher, JE, Jaszczak, RJ. Simultaneous reconstruction and motion estimation for gated cardiac ECT IEEE TRANS NUCL SCI, 49 (5): 2344-2349 Part 1 OCT 2002
- Okun MS, Walter BL, McDonald WM, Tenover JL, Green J, Juncos JL, DeLong MR. Beneficial effects of testosterone replacement for the nonmotor symptoms of Parkinson disease ARCH NEUROL, 59 (11): 1750-1753 November 2002
- Steindler DA. Neural stem cells, scaffolds, and chaperones NAT BIOTECHNOL, 20 (11): 1091-1093 November 2002
- Fritz JJ, Lewin A, Hauswirth W, Agarwal A, Grant M, Shaw L. Development of hammerhead ribozymes to modulate endogenous gene expression for functional studies METHODS, 28 (2): 276-285 October 2002
- Klein RL, Hamby ME, Sonntag CF, Millard WJ, King MA, Meyer EM. Measurements of vector-derived neurotrophic factor and green fluorescent protein levels in the brain METHODS, 28 (2): 286-292 October 2002
- King MA, Scotty N, Klein RL, Meyer EM. Particle detection, number estimation, and feature measurement in gene transfer studies: optical fractionator stereology integrated with digital image processing and analysis METHODS, 28 (2): 293-299 October 2002
- Misko A, Ferguson T, Notterpek L. Matrix metalloproteinase mediated degradation of basement membrane proteins in Trembler J neuropathy nerves J NEUROCHEM, 83 (4): 885-894 November 2002
- Demery JA, Pedraza O, Hanlon RE. Differential profiles of verbal learning in traumatic brain injury J CLIN EXP NEUROPSYCHOL, 24 (6): 818-827 September 2002
- Wilsey J, Zolotukhin S, Prima V, Shek EW, Matheny MK, Scarpace PJ. Hypothalamic delivery of doxycycline-inducible leptin gene allows for reversible transgene expression and physiological responses GENE THERAPY, 9 (22): 1492-1499 November 2002
- Hanna-Pladdy B, Mendoza JE, Apostolos GT, Heilman KM. Lateralised motor control: hemispheric damage and the loss of deftness J NEUROL NEUROSURG PSYCHIAT, 73 (5): 574-577 November 2002
- Kim WS, Dahlgren RL, Moroz LL, Sweedler JV. Ascorbic acid assays of individual neurons and neuronal tissues using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection ANAL CHEM, 74 (21): 5614-5620 November 1, 2002
November 6, 2002 – November 15, 2002
- Sackellares, JC; Kwong, WJ; Vuong, A, et al. Lamotrigine monotherapy improves health-related quality of life in epilepsy: a double-blind comparison with valproate EPILEPSY BEHAV, 3 (4): 376-382 August 2002
- Prokai L, Zharikova AD. Neuropharmacodynamic evaluation of the centrally active thyrotropin-releasing hormone analogue [Leu(2)]TRH and its chemical brain-targeting system BRAIN RES, 952 (2): 268-274 October 18 2002
- Presnell SC, Petersen B, Heidaran M. Stem cells in adult tissues SEMIN CELL DEV BIOL, 13 (5): 369-376 October 2002
- Benveniste H, Blackband S. MR microscopy and high resolution’small animal MRI: applications in neuroscience research PROG NEUROBIOL, 67 (5): 393-420 August 2002
- Dickinson RB, Southwick FS, Purich DL. A direct-transfer polymerization model explains how the multiple profilin-binding sites in the actoclampin motor promote rapid actin-based motility ARCH BIOCHEM BIOPHYS, 406 (2): 296-301 OCT 15 2002
August 26, 2002 – November 6, 2002
- Poage RE, Zengel JE. Repolarization of the presynaptic action potential and short-term synaptic plasticity in the chick ciliary ganglion SYNAPSE, 46 (3): 189-198 December 1, 2002
- Eyler, FD Certain conditions originating in the perinatal period HA CL HE PS, 1: 483-531 2002
- Kem, WR Anabaseine as a molecular model for design of alpha 7 nicotinic receptor agonist drugs PERSPECTIVES IN MOLECULAR TOXINOLOGY, 297-314 2002
- Liu, R; Yang, SH; Perez, E; Yi, KD; Wu, SS; Eberst, K; Prokai, L; Prokai-Tatrai, K; Cai, ZY; Covey, DF; Day, AL; Simpkins, JW Neuroprotective effects of a novel non-receptor-binding estrogen analogue – In vitro and in vivo analysis STROKE, 33 (10): 2485-2491 October 2002
- Yang W, Kilberg MS. Biosynthesis, intracellular targeting, and degradation of the EAAC1 glutamate/aspartate transporter in C6 glioma cells J BIOL CHEM, 277 (41): 38350-38357 October 11, 2002
- Robichaud JA, Brunt D, Tennant LK. Spinal cord modulation associated with isometric contractions BRAIN RES, 950 (1-2): 64-73 September 20, 2002
- Miller R, King MA, Heaton MB, Walker DW. The effects of chronic ethanol consumption on neurotrophins and their receptors in the rat hippocampus and basal forebrain BRAIN RES, 950 (1-2): 137-147 September 20, 2002
- Price, DD; Staud, R; Robinson, ME; Mauderli, AP; Cannon, R; Vierck, CJ. Enhanced temporal summation of second pain and its central modulation in fibromyalgia patients PAIN, 99 (1-2): 49-59 September 2002
- Earnhardt JN, Streit WJ, Anderson DK, O’Steen WA, Nick HS. Induction of manganese superoxide dismutase in acute spinal cord injury J NEUROTRAUMA, 19 (9): 1065-1079 September 2002
- Thelwall PE, Grant SC, Stanisz GJ, Blackband SJ. Human erythrocyte ghosts: Exploring the origins of multiexponential water diffusion in a model biological tissue with magnetic resonance MAGN RESON MED, 48 (4): 649-657 October 2002
- Uteshev VV, Meyer EM, Papke RL. Activation and inhibition of native neuronal alpha-bungarotoxin-sensitive nicotinic ACh receptors BRAIN RES, 948 (1-2): 33-46 September 6, 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. The cerebrum NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S1-S52 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. The supratentorial arteries NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S53-S120 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. Aneurysms NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S121-S158 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. The cerebral veins NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S159-S206 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. The lateral and third ventricles NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S207-S272 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. The anterior and middle cranial base NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S273-S302 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. The orbit NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S303-S334 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. The sellar region NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S335-S374 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rhoton AL Jr. The cavernous sinus, the cavernous venous plexus, and the carotid collar NEUROSURGERY, 51 (4): S375-S410 Suppl. S October 2002
- Rowland NE, Cansler K, Kim E, Pawlik N, Robertson KL. Flavor avoidance induced by LiCl and dexfenfluramine in rats and mice using nondeprivation protocols BEHAV NEUROSCI, 116 (5): 777-784 October 2002
- Larsson E, Mandel RJ, Klein RL, Muzyczka N, Lindvall O, Kokaia Z. Suppression of insult-induced neurogenesis in adult rat brain by brain-derived neurotrophic factor EXP NEUROL, 177 (1): 1-8 September 2002
- Bok D, Yasumura D, Matthes MT, Ruiz A, Duncan JL, Chappelow AV, Zolutukhin S, Hauswirth W, LaVail MM. Effects of adeno-associated virus-vectored ciliary neurotrophic factor on retinal structure and function in mice with a P216L rds/peripherin mutation EXP EYE RES, 74 (6): 719-735 June 2002
- Frecska E, Arato M. Opiate sensitivity test in patients with stereotypic movement disorder and trichotillomania PROG NEURO-PSYCH BIOL PSYCH, 26 (5): 909-912 June 2002
- Antonelli PJ, Gerhardt KJ, Abrams RM, Huang X. Fetal central auditory system metabolic response to cochlear implant stimulation OTOLARYNGOL HEAD NECK SURG, 127 (3): 131-137 September 2002
- Zhang Y, Wilsey JT, Frase CD, Matheny MM, Bender BS, Zolotukhin S, Scarpace PJ. Peripheral but not central leptin prevents the immunosuppression associated with hypoleptinemia in rats J ENDOCRINOL, 174 (3): 455-461 September 2002
July 29, 2002 – August 12, 2002
- Reep RL, Marshall CD, Stoll ML. Tactile hairs on the postcranial body in Florida manatees: a Mammalian lateral line? BRAIN BEHAV EVOL, 59 (3): 141-154 2002
- Duncan PW. Stroke recovery and rehabilitation research. J REHABIL RES DEV, 39 (3): 367-383 May – June 2002
- Vogel WB, Rittman M, Bradshaw P, Nissen D, Anderson L, Bates B, Marshall C. Outcomes from stroke rehabilitation in Veterans Affairs rehabilitation units: detecting and correcting for selection bias. J REHABIL RES DEV, 39 (3): ix-xi May – June 2002
- Russ DW, Vandenborne K, Binder-Macleod SA. Factors in fatigue during intermittent electrical stimulation of human skeletal muscle. J APPL PHYSIOL, 93 (2): 469-478 August 2002
- Wu J, Yoon SH, Wu WM, Bodor N. Synthesis and biological evaluations of brain-targeted chemical delivery systems of [Nva2]-TRH. J PHARM PHARMACOL, 54 (7): 945-950 July 2002
- Klein RL, Hamby ME, Gong Y, Hirko AC, Wang S, Hughes JA, King MA, Meyer EM. Dose and promoter effects of adeno-associated viral vector for green fluorescent protein expression in the rat brain. EXP NEUROL, 176 (1): 66-74 July 2002
- Jones HC, Depelteau JS, Carter BJ, Somera KC The frequency of inherited hydrocephalus is influenced by intrauterine factors in H-Tx rats. EXP NEUROL, 176 (1): 213-220 JUL 2002
- Zuo J, Neubauer D, Graham J, Krekoski CA, Ferguson TA, Muir D. Regeneration of axons after nerve transection repair is enhanced by degradation of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan EXP NEUROL, 176 (1): 221-228 JUL 2002
- Kohrman MH, Carney PR. Relation between epilepsy and sleep during infancy and childhood SLEEP AND EPILEPSY: THE CLINICAL SPECTRUM, 358-371 2002
- Berg KW, Byrd D. The Tower of London spatial problem-solving task: Enhancing clinical and research implementation J CLIN EXP NEUROPSYCHOL, 24 (5): 586-604 2002
July 12, 2002 – July 29, 2002
- Robertson SA. Pain management in laboratory animals–are we meeting the challenge? J AMER VET MED ASSN, 221 (2): 205-208 July 15, 2002
- Robertson SA. What is pain? J AMER VET MED ASSN, 221 (2): 202-205 July 15, 2002
- Dixon MJ, Robertson SA, Taylor PM. A thermal threshold testing device for evaluation of analgesics in cats. RES VET SCI, 72 (3): 205-210 June 2002
- Shapira NA, Lessig MC, Murphy TK, Driscoll DJ, Goodman WK. Topiramate attenuates self-injurious behaviour in Prader-Willi syndrome. INT J NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOL, 5 (2): 141-145 June 2002
- Brunt D, Greenberg B, Wankadia S, Trimble MA, Shechtman O. The effect of foot placement on sit to stand in healthy young subjects and patients with hemiplegia. ARCH PHYS MED REHABIL, 83 (7): 924-929 July 2002
- Faillace WJ. Management of childhood neurotrauma. SURG CLIN N AMER, 82 (2): 409-+ April 2002
- Hutchison AA, Burchfield DJ, Wozniak JA, Mohrman SJ. Laryngeal muscle activities with cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in newborn lambs. AMER J RESPIR CRIT CARE MED, 166 (1): 85-91 July 1, 2002
June 28, 2002 – July 12, 2002
- Logan HL, Sheffield D, Lutgendorf S, Lang E. Predictors of pain during invasive medical procedures J PAIN, 3 (3): 211-217 June 2002
- McGraw TS, Mickle JP, Shaw G, Streit WJ. Axonally transported peripheral signals regulate alpha-internexin expression in regenerating motoneurons. J NEUROSCI, 22 (12): 4955-4963 June 15, 2002
- Pattany PM, Yezierski RP, Widerstrom-Noga EG, Bowen BC, Martinez-Arizala A, Garcia BR, Quencer RM. Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the thalamus in patients with chronic neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. AMER J NEURORADIOL, 23 (6): 901-905 June – July 2002
- Davenport PW, Hutchison AA. Cerebral cortical respiratory-related evoked potentials elicited by inspiratory occlusion in lambs. J APPL PHYSIOL, 93 (1): 31-36 July 2002
- Turner CA, Yang MC, Lewis MH. Environmental enrichment: effects on stereotyped behavior and regional neuronal metabolic activity. BRAIN RES, 938 (1-2): 15-21 May 31, 2002
- Yang H, Shaw G, Raizada MK. ANG II stimulation of neuritogenesis involves protein kinase B in brain neurons. AMER J PHYSIOL-REGUL INTEGR C, 283 (1): CVII-CXIV July 2002
June 17, 2002 – June 28, 2002
- Liu J, Vemuri BC, Marroquin JL. Local frequency representations for robust multimodal image registration. IEEE TRANS MED IMAGING, 21 (5): 462-469 May 2002
- Cauraugh JH, Kim S. Two coupled motor recovery protocols are better than one: electromyogram-triggered neuromuscular stimulation and bilateral movements. STROKE, 33 (6): 1589-1594 June 2002
- Kodsi MH, Heilman KM. The contribution of an avoidance response to contralateral neglect. NEUROLOGY, 58 (11): 1692-1694 June 11, 2002
- Lu LH, Crosson B, Nadeau SE, Heilman KM, Gonzalez-Rothi LJ, Raymer A, Gilmore RL, Bauer RM, Roper SN. Category-specific naming deficits for objects and actions: semantic attribute and grammatical role hypotheses. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 40 (9): 1608-1621 2002
- Esterman M, McGlinchey-Berroth R, Verfaellie M, Grande L, Kilduff P, Milberg W. Aware and unaware perception in hemispatial neglect: evidence from a stem completion priming task. CORTEX, 38 (2): 233-246 April 2002
- Doolin RE, Ache BW. A simple method for focally delivering multiple drugs or ligands to cells. J NEUROSCI METH, 116 (1): 9-14 April 30, 2002
May 31, 2002 – June 17, 2002
- Gabrielli A, Layon AJ, Cole P, Holbert R, Modell JH, Idris A. Prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation with preservation of cerebral function in an elderly patient with asystole after electroconvulsive therapy(1,2,3,4). J CLIN ANESTH, 14 (3): 234-240 May 2002
- Wise EA, Price DD, Myers CD, Heft MW, Robinson ME. Gender role expectations of pain: relationship to experimental pain perception. PAIN, 96 (3): 335-342 April 2002
May 17, 2002 – May 31, 2002
- Sumners C, Fleegal MA, Zhu M. Angiotensin at1 receptor signalling pathways in neurons. CLIN EXP PHARMACOL PHYSIOL, 29 (5-6): 483-490 May 2002
- Li Y, Meyer EM, Walker DW, Millard WJ, He YJ, King MA. Alpha7 nicotinic receptor activation inhibits ethanol-induced mitochondrial dysfunction, cytochrome c release and neurotoxicity in primary rat hippocampal neuronal cultures. J NEUROCHEM, 81 (4): 853-858 May 2002
- Shaw G, Morse S, Ararat M, Graham FL. Preferential transformation of human neuronal cells by human adenoviruses and the origin of HEK 293 cells. FASEB J, 16 (6): U146-U164 April 2002
- Coleman JE, Fuchs GE, Semple-Rowland SL. Analyses of the guanylate cyclase activating protein-1 gene promoter in the developing retina. INVEST OPHTHALMOL VISUAL SCI, 43 (5): 1335-1343 May 2002
- Watterson JM, Watson DG, Meyer EM, Lenox RH. A role for protein kinase C and its substrates in the action of valproic acid in the brain: implications for neural plasticity. BRAIN RES, 934 (1): 69-80 April 26, 2002
- Morrison MF, Petitto JM, Ten Have T, Gettes DR, Chiappini MS, Weber AL, Brinker-Spence P, Bauer RM, Douglas SD, Evans DL. Depressive and anxiety disorders in women with HIV infection. AMER J PSYCHIAT, 159 (5): 789-796 May 2002
April 19, 2002 – May 17, 2002
- Stein DJ, Westenberg HG, Liebowitz MR. Social anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder: serotonergic and dopaminergic neurocircuitry. J CLIN PSYCHIAT, 63: 12-19 Suppl. 6 2002
- Bagnasco M, Kalra PS, Kalra SP. Plasma leptin levels are pulsatile in adult rats: effects of gonadectomy. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, 75 (4): 257-263 April 2002
- Morey TE, Giannoni J, Duncan E, Scarborough MT, Enneking FK. Nerve sheath catheter analgesia after amputation. CLIN ORTHOP RELATED RES, (397): 281-289 April 2002
- Lecklin A, Lundell I, Paananen L, Wikberg JE, Mannisto PT, Larhammar D. Receptor subtypes Y(1) and Y(5) mediate neuropeptide Y induced feeding in the guinea-pig. BRIT J PHARMACOL, 135 (8): 2029-2037 April 2002
- Glushakov AV, Dennis DM, Morey TE, Sumners C, Cucchiara RF, Seubert CN, Martynyuk AE. Specific inhibition of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor function in rat hippocampal neurons by L-phenylalanine at concentrations observed during phenylketonuria. MOL PSYCHIATR, 7 (4): 359-367 2002
- Russ DW, Vandenborne K, Walter GA, Elliott M, Binder-Macleod SA. Effects of muscle activation on fatigue and metabolism in human skeletal muscle. J APPL PHYSIOL, 92 (5): 1978-1986 May 2002
- DeFord SM, Wilson MS, Rice AC, Clausen T, Rice LK, Barabnova A, Bullock R, Hamm RJ. Repeated mild brain injuries result in cognitive impairment in B6C3F1 mice. J NEUROTRAUMA, 19 (4): 427-438 April 2002
- Downs DS, Abwender D. Neuropsychological impairment in soccer athletes. J SPORTS MED PHYS FITNESS, 42 (1): 103-107 March 2002
- Heaton MB, Madorsky I, Paiva M, Mayer J. Influence of ethanol on neonatal cerebellum of BDNF gene-deleted animals: analyses of effects on Purkinje cells, apoptosis-related proteins, and endogenous antioxidants. J NEUROBIOL, 51 (2): 160-176 May 2002
- Garbuzova-Davis S, Willing AE, Milliken M, Saporta S, Zigova T, Cahill DW, Sanberg PR. Positive effect of transplantation of hNT neurons (NTera 2/D1 cell-line) in a model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. EXP NEUROL, 174 (2): 169-180 April 2002
- Cibula JE, Eisenschenk S, Gold M, Eskin TA, Gilmore RL, Heilman KM. Progressive dementia and hypersomnolence with dream-enacting behavior: oneiric dementia. ARCH NEUROL, 59 (4): 630-634 April 2002
- Silverman DN, Nick HS. Catalytic pathway of manganese superoxide dismutase by direct observation of superoxide. METH ENZYMOLOGY, 349: 61-74 2002
- Kirik D, Georgievska B, Burger C, Winkler C, Muzyczka N, Mandel RJ, Bjorklund A. Reversal of motor impairments in parkinsonian rats by continuous intrastriatal delivery of L-dopa using rAAV-mediated gene transfer. PROC NAT ACAD SCI USA, 99 (7): 4708-4713 April 2, 2002
- Presti MF, Powell SB, Lewis MH. Dissociation between spontaneously emitted and apomorphine-induced stereotypy in Peromyscus maniculatus bairdii. PHYSIOL BEHAV, 75 (3): 347-353 March 2002
- Bishop MD, Brunt D, Pathare N, Patel B. The interaction between leading and trailing limbs during stopping in humans. NEUROSCI LETT, 323 (1): 1-4 April 19, 2002
- Speedie LJ, Wertman E, Verfaellie M, Butter C, Silberman N, Liechtenstein M, Heilman KM. Reading direction and spatial neglect. CORTEX, 38 (1): 59-67 February 2002
- Behrman AL, Light KE, Flynn SM, Thigpen MT. Is the functional reach test useful for identifying falls risk among individuals with Parkinson’s disease? ARCH PHYS MED REHABIL, 83 (4): 330-341 April 2002
- Barrett AM, Kim M, Crucian GP, Heilman KM. Spatial bias: effects of early reading direction on Korean subjects. NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 40 (7): 1003-1012 2002
- Soos JM, Mujtaba MG, Schiffenbauer J, Torres BA, Johnson HM. Intramolecular epitope spreading induced by staphylococcal enterotoxin superantigen reactivation of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. J NEUROIMMUNOL, 123 (1-2): 30-34 February 2002
April 5, 2002 – April 19, 2002
- Zheng T, Wilson CJ. Corticostriatal combinatorics: the implications of corticostriatal axonal arborizations. J NEUROPHYSIOL, 87 (2): 1007-1017 February 2002
- Evans J, Sumners C, Moore J, Huentelman MJ, Deng J, Gelband CH, Shaw G. Characterization of mitotic neurons derived from adult rat hypothalamus and brain stem. J NEUROPHYSIOL, 87 (2): 1076-1085 February 2002
- Nagarajan SS, Cheung SW, Bedenbaugh P, Beitel RE, Schreiner CE, Merzenich MM. Representation of spectral and temporal envelope of twitter vocalizations in common. J NEUROPHYSIOL, 87 (4): 1723-1737 April 2002
- Keillor JM, Barrett AM, Crucian GP, Kortenkamp S, Heilman KM. Emotional experience and perception in the absence of facial feedback. J INT NEUROPSYCHOL SOC, 8 (1): 130-135 January 2002
- Boillat CA, Jones HC, Kaiser GL. Inherited hydrocephalus in the H-Tx rat: the ventricular system in late-gestation and neonatal aqueduct stenosis. EUR J PEDIATR SURG, 11: S43-S44 Suppl. 1 December 2001
- Depelteau JS, Jones HC. Lactation after gestation affects the expression of inherited hydrocephalus in H-Tx rats. EUR J PEDIATR SURG, 11: S49-S51 Suppl. 1 December 2001
- Li JJ, Fang X, Tan W. Molecular aptamer beacons for real-time protein recognition. BIOCHEM BIOPHYS RES COMMUN, 292 (1): 31-40 March 22, 2002
- Petitto JM, Huang Z, Hartemink DA, Beck R. IL-2/15 receptor-beta gene deletion alters neurobehavioral performance BRAIN RES, 929 (2): 218-225 March 8, 2002
- Andsberg G, Kokaia Z, Klein RL, Muzyczka N, Lindvall O, Mandel RJ. Neuropathological and behavioral consequences of adeno-associated viral vector-mediated continuous intrastriatal neurotrophin delivery in a focal ischemia model in rats. NEUROBIOL DISEASE, 9 (2): 187-204 March 2002
March 25, 2002 – April 5, 2002
- Potter M, Chesnut K, Muzyczka N, Flotte T, Zolotukhin S. Streamlined large-scale production of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors. METH ENZYMOLOGY, 346: 413-430 2002
- Steindler DA, Pincus DW. Stem cells and neuropoiesis in the adult human brain. LANCET, 359 (9311): 1047-1054 March 23, 2002
- Klein RL, King MA, Hamby ME, Meyer EM. Dopaminergic Cell Loss Induced by Human A30P alpha-Synuclein Gene Transfer to the Rat Substantia Nigra. HUM GENE THER, 13 (5): 605-612 March 2002
- Phillips MI Gene therapy for hypertension: the preclinical data. METH ENZYMOLOGY, 346: 3-13, 2002
- Fritz JJ, White DA, Lewin AS, Hauswirth WW. Designing and characterizing hammerhead ribozymes for use in AAV vector-mediated retinal gene therapies. METH ENZYMOLOGY, 346: 358-377 2002
- Huentelman, MJ; Reaves, PY; Katovich, MJ, Raizada, MK. Large-scale production of retroviral vectors for systemic gene delivery. METH ENZYMOLOGY, 346: 358-377 2002
- Hauswirth WW, LaVail MM, Flannery JG, Lewin AS. Ribozymes as therapy for autosomal dominant retinal disease. CLIN NEUROSCI RES, 1 (1-2): 118-126 January 2001
- Berry RB, Parish JM, Hartse KM. The use of auto-titrating continuous positive airway pressure for treatment of adult obstructive sleep apnea. SLEEP, 25 (2): 148-173 March 15, 2002
- Spehr M, Wetzel CH, Hatt H, Ache BW. 3-phosphoinositides modulate cyclic nucleotide signaling in olfactory receptor neurons. NEURON, 33 (5): 731-739 February 28, 2002
March 9, 2002 – March 22, 2002
- Spector, AC; Kopka, SL Rats fail to discriminate quinine from denatonium: Implications for the neural coding of bitter-tasting compounds. J NEUROSCI, 22 (5): 1937-1941 March 1, 2002
- Wingard EM, Barrett AM, Crucian GP, Doty L, Heilman KM. The Gerstmann syndrome in Alzheimer’s disease. J NEUROL NEUROSURG PSYCHIAT, 72 (3): 403-405 March 2002
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February 25, 2002 – March 8, 2002
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February 9, 2002 – February 25, 2002
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January 26, 2002 – February 8, 2002
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