Congratulations to the first recipients of the McKnight Brain Institute Trainee Enhancement Opportunities, or MBI-TEOs, awards. The MBI established these awards to allow doctoral and post-doctoral trainees the opportunity to pursue training in neuroscience that extend beyond what a traditional training environment offers. Applicants and their mentors are encouraged to utilize their imaginations to propose an enhancement to their currently available training that will allow the trainees to launch successful neuroscience careers.
The first recipients of the MBI-TEOs are:
Abbi Hernandez, a fourth-year graduate student in Dr. Sara Burke’s laboratory, received funding to enable her to build a teaching portfolio in neuroscience education. Hernandez will use this opportunity to enhance her training as an educator. The hands-on experience she will gain will be invaluable to her success in pursuing a future career as a neuroscience professor at the collegiate level.
Aprinda Indahlastari, Ph.D., a postdoctoral associate in Dr. Adam Woods’ laboratory, received funding to allow her to attend hands-on imaging courses. The knowledge gained from these courses will be used in her research to investigate the effects of non-invasive brain stimulation on cognitive aging. Her research findings are critical to her portfolio to pursue a neuroscience career in either academia or industry.
Aline C. Oliveira, Ph.D., a postdoctoral associate from Dr. Mohan K Raizada’s laboratory, received funding to acquire training and knowledge to improve her technical skills in high-resolution confocal microscopy. This opportunity will be valuable to Oliveira in mastering state-of-the art microscopic skills to pursue her academic career as a neurophysiologist.
The next application date for MBI TEOs is April 1, 2018. Click here for application instructions.
An informational session will be held from 3-4 p.m. Feb. 28 at the Biomedical Sciences Building (J480).